How to Lose Weight Gained in the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has created long lasting ramifications across the globe. Aside from the ongoing health concerns—individuals have experienced numerous problems related to job loss, struggling economies, and even weight gain.

Statistics suggest that the average person has experienced a weight gain of 3 to 15 pounds since the time the pandemic began. With more people confined to their homes comes a decreased amount of activity and body movement. The good news is recent vaccination efforts and improvements in health technology have helped to curb the spread of COVID.

As such, people are beginning to take charge of their health and body by getting back into shape. Let’s take a look at why people have struggled with weight gain throughout the pandemic and how individuals can take charge of their health once again.

Why Did Weight Gain Occur?

The pandemic brought about a number of unexpected side effects for individuals around the world. As the frequency of remote work increased and more people became confined to their homes—many struggled with weight gain and other negative health effects.

Some of the reasons for weight gain include:

  • Less movement: with people working from home many individuals were confined to their homes for all hours of the day.
  • Gyms closed: the vast majority of gyms in America closed during the pandemic leaving people with little to no options for workouts and fitness routines.
  • Unhealthy diets: many individuals struggled with excess alcohol and food consumption as they sat around their homes the majority of the day.
  • Added stress: job loss, isolation, depression, and other factors contributed to excess stress which in turn resulted in weight gain.

With so many different factors working against people—weight gain was nearly inevitable for various groups of people. Although weight gain was commonplace during this time, a number of steps can be taken to reverse the process and help individuals get back into shape.

How Can You Lose Weight?

Losing weight can often be a difficult undertaking for unprepared individuals. In fact over 2 out 3 Americans are considered overweight or obese. The good news is its never too late to change your life and lose weight. Here’s some steps you can take to improve your lifestyle and regain control of your health.

Stay Active

Activity is one of the most important factors when it comes to weight management and overall health. Although the majority of gyms have been closed for over a year, many are starting to open back up to the public. If so, consider rejoining a gym and getting back on a regular workout schedule.

On the other hand if gyms are still closed, attempt to use other methods of staying active. Perform at-home workouts using weights and bands or follow online workout classes. At the very least, set a daily goal of walking 10,000 steps or more. Do whatever you can to stay moving. Using a fitness tracker can help keep you on track with daily fitness goals and accountability.

Track Your Calories

Diet is the main driving factor when it comes to weight loss and management. The problem is many people fail to sufficiently track their food intake and calories. Many assume that simply eating healthy is enough to lose weight. However, failure to track calories can result in diet failure. 

Aside from tracking daily caloric intake, here’s some other steps that can be taken to improve dietary needs:

  • Focus on consuming whole foods
  • Avoid excess amounts of processed foods
  • Drink only low or no calorie beverages
  • Stay away from sugary or creamy condiments

Although there are a number of dietary trends that exist in today’s world, the only true method of losing weight is a calorie deficit. Burn more calories than you consume and eventually weight loss will occur.

Stay Focused

Many people fail to lose weight due to a lack of commitment and patience. They tend to give up after only days or weeks instead of sticking to a consistent long-term plan. Try to set an achievable goal with regular milestones and take it a day at a time.

Small changes add up over time and consistency is the key to long-term sustainable success. Stay committed to the process through small, sustainable changes and eventually you will be able to reap the benefits of your endeavors. 

Hold yourself accountable throughout the process and stay motivated even when times are difficult. Focus on the why and develop a healthy sustainable diet and workout routine that will last.

If you have any other questions about reaching your diet goals or needs, feel free to reach out to us for more information or support. We’re here to help you reach your physical, mental, and personal goals no matter how challenging they may seem.